© 2009 - 2015 WPP.
1. WRITING (the) SPACE May 4th - 19th 2011
2. WRITING (the) SPACE Event, 19 May 9.30am – 8pm
Drew together the practices of diverse artists and writers, in a day-long event attempting to further explore notions of physical and spatial writing, drawing on the installation.
“If I hammer, if I recall in, and keep calling in, the breath, the breathing as distinguished from the hearing, it is for cause, it is to insist upon a part that breath plays in verse which has not (due, I think, to the smothering of the power of the line by too set a concept of foot) has not been sufficiently observed or practiced, but which has to be if verse is to advance to its proper force and place in the day, now, and ahead. I take it that PROJECTIVE VERSE teaches, is, this lesson, that that verse will only do in which a poet manages to register both the acquisitions of his ear and the pressure of his breath.”
Extract, Projective Verse, 1950.
Charles Olson’s Projective Verse invites writing to be considered spatially, as OPEN, or as FIELD (of) composition in three dimensions. His proposition is one of text as space of action, of breath as punctuation, and of the bodily pressures of writing in which ‘form is never more than an extension of content’.
WRITING (the) SPACE presses down on and around this unique poetics of writing in contemporary performance related practice - in particular, the possibilities of performance writing in spatial and physical terms. WRITING (the) SPACE is conceived as a period of action research within the Wild Pansy Press Project Space.
For WRITING (the) SPACE, Rachel Lois Clapham and Emma Cocker present a new iteration of their ongoing collaborative project Re –, which essays the relationship between performance/document, live/recording, writing/written through the collision of spoken, textual and gestural languages. This iteration of the project addresses the spatial and physical possibilities of writing, through the installation of disparate performance documents periodically activated through live interaction. Extracted fragments from earlier conversations rub against mute utterances of a finger diagramming, nails pink; a spoken text of dislocated phrases; partial scores awaiting activation; punctuation, the space of breath. Re – (WRITING (the) SPACE) is open to the public from 4 - 19 May, 9-6pm Mon-Fri.
WRITING (the) SPACE Event, 19 May 9.30am – 8pm
Drew together the practices of diverse artists and writers, in a day-long event attempting to further explore notions of physical and spatial writing, drawing on the installation Re – (WRITING (the) SPACE) and Olson’s notion of Projective Verse.
9.30-6pm: > OPEN > < OLSON > < OPEN <.A laboratory exploring practice based examples of Olson’s OPEN text.
Presentations by : David Berridge, Rachel Lois Clapham, Emma Cocker, Victoria Gray and Claire Hind.